
How To Color Things In C++ Code


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Adding Color to a C Programme

As a newbie, tin I change the font colors that is displayed in my program ...


Cactus_Hugger is offline

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Quote Originally Posted past Navar

assuming you're using a Dos based system w/commmand prompt


arrangement("colour [attr]");
I'm on a DOS based system with a command prompt, and that will outright neglect. colour just works on 2k and XP, IIRC. At present, if yous can gaurentee that your software will always run in an environment with "color" available, so that'south fine, otherwise, be prepared to handle errors.

And, IIRC again, colour changes the foreground and groundwork for the entire window, correct? Now, if you wanted merely sure text in a colour, that might not be what you'd want.

To do just certain text, there are bunches of means, many OS-specific. If yous're nether Windows, y'all can apply API calls similar SetConsoleTextAttribute(). See MSDN. Many people take taken this and other API calls and created wrappers for them in the form of the old DOS calls from conio.h.

Terminal, my personal preference since I hate Win32 API calls, is curses. ncurses is a overnice parcel that does panel colors, among other things, and has been ported to windows. ("pdcurses" is what I've used in Windows.) It's portable between Windows and Linux (and perhaps more than).

Another fashion, I copied this from a Linux shell script, is by sending sure characters: the DOS prompt in Windows seems to recognize these (I suppose), simply I'm no expert here. However, the following turns the text "Test." and everything following it (including the adjacent C:\ prompt) green for me:


#include <stdio.h>  void color_text(int colour) { 	if(color == -1) 	{ 		printf("\x1B[0;39m"); 		return; 	} 	printf("\x1B[1;%dm", 30 + color); }  int main() { 	color_text(ii); 	printf("Test.\n"); 	return 0; }
Probably not that portable.

Just my 2cent on what I've learned in changing colors. Hope it's helpful.

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